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发布日期:2015-06-27 字号:[ ]

姓名:张小明  电话:027-87559842  职称:副研究员  邮箱:cheungxm@hust.edu.cn
    张小明,男,1979年11月生,博士,副研究员。在本领域权威期刊International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture、美国机械工程学会(ASME)会刊、《中国科学》等发表论文20余篇,申请/授权发明专利和软件著作权多项。
Introductions to mechanical manufacturing science and engineering (全英文课)
1. 点-线扫掠运动设计的NURBS方法及其在五轴数控加工中的应用,国家自然科学基金项目,2011.1-2013.12(负责人)
2. 基于五轴加工运动综合的复杂零件铣削表面完整性创成机理研究,国家自然科学基金项目,2014.1-2017.12(负责人)
4. 机械铣削对铝锂合金多台阶薄壁件抗疲劳性能的影响规律研究,国家商飞公司创新基金,2012.1- 2013.6(负责人)
5. 弱刚性零件抗疲劳制造铣削工艺机理与关键技术,2013.1-2015.12,新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目 (负责人)
6. 973项目"高品质复杂零件智能制造基础研究"课题:智能制造装备的功能创成与验证,2013.1- 2017.12(学术骨干)
6.  华中科技大学华中学者
1. ZhangX.M.*, Zhu L.M., Zhang D., Ding H. and Xiong Y.L. 2012. Numerical robustoptimization of spindle speed for milling process with uncertainties.International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 61:9-19
2. ZhangX.M., Zhu L.M.*, Ding H. and Xiong Y.L. 2012. Kinematic generation of ruledsurface based on rational motion of point-line. Science China-TechnologicalSciences 55(1): 62-71
3. ZhangX.M.* and Ding H. 2013. Note on a novel method for machining parametersoptimization in a chatter-free milling process. International Journal ofMachine Tools and Manufacture 72: 11-15
4. ZhuD.H.*, Zhang X.M. and Ding H. 2013. Tool wear characteristics in machining ofnickel-based superalloys. International Journal of Machine Tools andManufacture 64: 60-77
5. HuangT., Zhang X.M.*, Zhang X.J. and Ding H. 2013. An efficient linear approximationof acceleration method for milling stability prediction. International Journalof Machine Tools and Manufacture 74: 56-64
6. ZhuangK.J., Zhang X.M.*, Zhang D. and Ding H. 2013. On cutting parameters selectionfor plunge milling of heat-resistant-super-alloys based on precise cuttinggeometry. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 213(8): 1378-1386
7. HuangT., Zhang X.M.* and Ding H. 2013. Decoupled chip thickness calculation modelfor cutting force prediction in five-axis ball-end milling. InternationalJournal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 69 (5-8): 1203-1217
8. ZhuangK.J., Zhu D.H., Zhang X.M.* and Ding H. 2014. Notch wear prediction model inturning of Inconel 718 with ceramic tools considering the influence of workhardened layer. Wear 313(1-2): 63-74
9. HuangX.D., Zhang X.M.*, Mu H.K., Zhang X.J. and Ding H. 2014. The influence ofcryogenic cooling on milling stability. Journal of Materials ProcessingTechnology 214: 3169-3178
10. Fu Z.T., ZhangX.M.*, Wang X.L. and Yang W.Y. 2014. Analytical modeling of chatter vibrationin orthogonal cutting using a predictive force model. International Journal ofMechanical Sciences 88: 145-153

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